How To Manage Stress E-Book
Description: Introduces the causes, sources, and effects of stress (physiological, psychological, emotional, cognitive, and intrapersonal/interpersonal) from an individual standpoint. Facilitates application of tools and techniques to recognize, prevent, and oversee stressors to enhance success.
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe and explain the nature of stress, the stress reaction, causes of stress, the connection between stress and disease and a holistic approach to manage stress.
2. Evaluate and explain the impact of stress on one's own mind, body, spirit.
3. Distinguish, explain, and exercise research-based coping strategies and relaxation methods that contribute to managing life's stress.
4. Develop a personal lifestyle plan incorporating coping strategies and relaxation techniques to lessen the impact of stress on one's body, mind, spirit and emotions.
utcome Assessment Strategies: 1. Maintain a stress Diary log. Include identification of triggers, indicators, and evaluation of effects. 2. Create an adjustable stress management strategy for everyday success incorporating selected techniques. 3. Three A's of Stress Management 4. Gather information on current stress management techniques and assess individual relevance. 5. Exercise specialized techniques and track effectiveness. *BONUS PDF FORM